I'm diving into Summer 2015 with a brand new swimsuit
I made for myself!
It was an easy decision to choose the Bombshell
I needed a challenge --
wearing a one-piece swimsuit is something I never do.
I prefer bikinis.
(my dad bought my first one) . . . . it ain't so bad!
The day this pattern was released in 2013, it was an immediate hit.
And the next morning, Heather Lou posted the first of several installments of the
Bombshell SewAlong which offers all the information you need from choosing your fabrics to completing your suit. There's also a gallery with links to several hacks by bloggers.
I did a couple of things differently:
I used my magical ruffler foot to gather the sides.
I cut a ribbon the same measurement as the lining pieces
to use as a guide.
And added FOE inside my straps, changed the tie-straps to secured straps.
(I needed more support than tying straps halter-style)
I also changed the construction at the crotch to conceal the seams of the liner and swimsuit fabric, which simply means I completed the crotch seams individually, lined them up, wrong sides facing, and stay-stitched the two fabrics together prior to placing the leg elastic.
Clear directions, good design.
This was my first pattern by Closet Case Files. I've heard about this pattern since its release, but never purchased it because it was a one-piece swimsuit. I should've just tried it anyway because now I think maybe I can wear these!
The fabric I used from Joann Fabrics is not heavy when wet (even with a lining).
This pattern recreates the vintage look I like -- and with a little sewing magic to make the suit my own, this is a flattering style for me and I'm very pleased!
I'm working on a maternity one for my daughter.
Instead of straps, I created a halter by joining the two triangles behind the neck where you would have tied them. I created a "tankini" by cutting the pattern piece just above the leg opening/crotch. The back was made using the lining pattern piece. All I need to do now is make some bottoms.
As many times as she goes to the potty,
she's gonna need easy access . . . .
Closet Case Files is giving away Two Patterns of Choice to the Winner of this Rafflecopter:(June 24-27, 2015)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You also have an opportunity to win several other prizes from the Tour designers and sponsors.
To learn more, Click Here.

To view the complete Blog Tour, which includes interviews with the designers showcased, use the following links:
June 29 - 30 Lulu & Celeste: new makes and a round up post